The 2022 Mini’s Collection



2022 was a beast of a year…an absolute hurricane…but like all storms, as much chaos as they create, they tend to wash away unnecessary things too. I didn’t know if I was going to do holiday mini’s in 2022-I barely accepted any photo session requests-I was busy with a new career, a new schedule, a new normal…and somehow taking what little extra time I had for photoshoots-no matter how much I enjoyed them-seemed almost frivolous. I’m very happy I got out of that ridiculous mindset though-I did take it a little easier this year for the minis-I didn’t offer as many slots as I usually do, I spread them out over weeks instead of days, and I tried to really enjoy each session instead of rushing through them-which I typcially do because of the number of bookings I have each day.

The minis for 2022 were surprising and lovely. I met new clients, who were all so wonderful and fun and each session seemed so effortless with them. And ofcourse, I was able to see old clients as well…and it has been amazing to do family photos for clients whom I have known for years now and whose children I get to see grow each year…

I really love that I get to continue to do this one little thing that brings me so much joy-it’s alot of work…and I demand some serious cheesiness from the husbands of all my clients-but like troopers-the men, the kids, even the dogs…they all go along with every

un-posed poses I make them do…and I hope they all had as much fun as I did during their shoot.

I present to you just a handful of some of my favorites from this year’s holiday minis…thank you all for a great season.

