Have you ever had a “cup runneth over” moment? The kind of moment where you are incredibly grateful and aware of the blessings but possibly a bit overwhelmed by it all. This year the NCMA Holiday Minis were my peak professional “cup runneth over” of all the holiday minis I have done ever. For reasons I won’t get into, mostly because it has to do with my error or rather happy accident, the booking system for this mini shoot date, allowed for 15-time slots to be available, instead of my usual 10…and wouldn’t you know-it-all fifteen were booked.
I was so grateful and kind of on the verge of freaking out. NCMA is an incredible backdrop, you literally cannot go wrong with a location like this. If I wasn’t restricted to 30 minites, there are about 4-5 additional locations on the NCMA campus that would have been beautiful to shoot at as well. Nevertheless, we pulled off some of my most favorite shots all year long…at the end of the day, I was more exhausted than I have been in a long time…but I felt so accomplished as well.
I am eternally grateful to all my beautiful clients who come back every year and let me be their photographer and who are refer me to new clients all the time….who bring me water and coffee and treats on these long shoots…who laugh with me and joke with me and are the best parts of these shoots.
I present to you just some of my most favorite shots from this day…three more mini shoot sessions left for this season…none include 15 in one day though 🙂