Miss Jones

There is something about a woman who walks with purpose. A woman who knows who she is and what she wants. A woman who is self-assured enough to raise a baby, have a career, and still manage to power through law school. A woman who is complex and funny, full of energy and fire and can still be sweet…but one look from her and you know she isn’t here to play around.

I didn’t know Miss Jones outside of law school…and I find when I have a session with a client I know in a different capacity, I always learn something completely new about them, not during the shoot, but afterward when I go through the images. In-person, she is boisterous and fun and you know it the minute she walks into a room. Then I went through her images and I realized what lies beneath is more complex than the light-hearted, bold, and vivacious classmate.

This woman is gearing up for the next chapter. She is planning and plotting and making it known she is the master of her Universe and she is going to do things in this life. And somehow you feel you need to step aside and give her her space…and watch.
