little wonders everywhere

Babies in baskets. I hear a lot about babies in baskets when I discuss newborn sessions with mamas. I even bring a basket with me for the random “babe in da box” scenario. I think the idea of newborn staged shoots is very appealing in a lot of ways. Who doesn’t want to see a six day old baby somehow masterfully hold their own head up in a oh-so-cute bashful pose with their hands under their chins??? Those photographers are photoshop masters. I am just a humble California girl turned NC photographer with a camera who still cannot export images out of photoshop the right way (don’t ask why just accept it). My point is…my style of shooting is very un-posed poses and if I am lucky I get to capture moments of said six day old baby being masterfully adorable without any laws of physics being broken.

Newborn shoots are never just about the baby. They are about the mama who is handling postpartum and a new baby and a toddler, who somehow still manages to look so beautiful and be so calm and handle everything with a level of chill that we should all aspire to.

Newborn shoots are about the Dad who is still handling all of his daddy duties and taking care of life and work and is constantly go go go but every time that he holds that baby time stops and he turns into mush.

Newborn shoots are about big sister who’s still a little baby herself, who twirls around everyone and is magical in her own way, and yet she knows how to be gentle and calm around her little baby sister and is gracious enough to share her mommy and daddy with this new little person in her house.

Newborn shoots are never just about the baby. They are about the family. The home. The room where they will sit to watch tv together. The nursery where the baby will sleep. Newborn shoots are about the little wonders that happen all over the home where the family loves and laughs and gets restless sleep when a new baby arrives.

The Easton family is everything I mentioned above and more and it was an absolute joy to spend a few hours with them and baby Cora and watch how beautiful this family was together.

So may I present to you little Cora…who is perfection in every way and who is adored by all around her…


