.the littles christmas derby 2015.

a ‘photo derby’, as i like to call it, is a marathon photo shoot. clients arrive at a set location and do a quick 15 minute stylized photo shoot. it’s fast paced, it’s fun and it is not a shoot where you take yourself too seriously. this year for the holidays, aside from the christmas shoots i do regularly, i decided to do a christmas photo derby for kids. I had a darling little set up and my clients brought their tiny humans for a fun and quick shoot. i still bribed each kid with a box full of prizes and chocolate but i think they all had a great time.

my previous post with just one collage did not do this event justice. it was my THANK YOU post, this one is the post where i brag about my beautiful tiny people models.

cooper and griffin

these two were are all boy. they were goofy and full of energy and had the best winter sweater ensembles on. my philosophy with kids is that you cant MAKE them smile, you just need to let them be THEM and hopefully you get to catch it on camera. I think i was lucky enough to catch a few moments between these brothers.

Rigney Collage

evelyn and nathan

i have had my eye on little miss evelyn since she was born. literally i have been waiting for the opportunity to shoot her. she is darling…just the most petite, sweet, little lily flower of a baby. and she sports the absolute best headbands all day long, its her signature style. her brother nathan…i am convinced is born to model. he just got up there and looked happy and posed like a pro. these two were so beautiful and precious. i loved our little shoot.


liam and caleb

i wish i could have everyone meet these two boys. liam is my kids’ best friend in our neighborhood, he’s full of energy and laughter and just BRIGHT…caleb is his little brother…caleb is gangster…he knows how cute he is and he doesn’t mess around. the entire 15 minutes was hilarious to me. liam (being the most cooperative model) was trying to be a cute big brother and give caleb kisses and pose with him and the little guy, with those cheeks, wasn’t having any of it. i love these kids.


grayson and ellis

these boys are no stranger to my website. i have been SO lucky to have the opportunity to continue to take photos of these little guys as they grow. every shoot they are full of energy and cuteness and every once in a while i get them looking such a way and giving such a smile. (insert big heart eye emojis)



miss mia’s mom is one of my best friends. she is also a total stage mom when it comes to mia’s photo shoots, it was quite possibly the funniest thing i saw all day. meanwhile, mia and i just laughed together and took amazing photos. 🙂 she is a natural infront of the camera and she always has so much fun!



this little princess walked in  and just killed it with her shoot. she was so pretty and so danty. i don’t even know if there is anything else to say about her other than she was just a DOLL.

rupalcollagenehemiah and zane

oh these two…zane, this little guy is basically the greatest cowboy-country loving-tractor driving kid there ever was. he was wild and free and full of life. Zane and his little cousin Nehemiah battled it out to see who could steal the show and they both won. so cute, so photogenic and so much fun!


max and brandt

i love theses little guys. the best thing about them is that they are NOT ones to even try to pretend with me. if they don’t like something they wont be bashful in letting me know about it. so when i caught little moments of them laughing, or them giving each other kisses and cuddles, those were real authentic moments to be captured.


bella and miles

it was the end of the day, they were my last shoot. in walked semi adults and they. were. awesome. miles looked like james deen and he completely embodied the whole, ‘artist vibe’ he plays guitar and skateboards and with very few words made it clear that he would rather be doing those two things than sitting for this shoot but he was a great sport. the best part was his sister bella…bella who absolutely adores her big brother and is a self described  ‘queen of selfies’ and a wonderful model. had such a great time with these two!


little lady portraits

whenever i get an opportunity to do an artistic stylized portrait, i TAKE IT. and lucky for me I had three little ladies that kindly obliged when i threw a faux fur scarf looking thing at them and told them to be still! here are my three favorites of the little ladies.


it was an incredible day and  i was so happy i was able to do all of these shoots and not a single kid cried! SUCCESSSSSSSSSSSS

merry christmas… in november 🙂

love, n
