
parents love their children. they adore them. they dote on them. they put them in cute outfits. they do everything they can to make them smile. as a photographer i am lucky enough to get to watch this happen first hand whenever i have clients with children. its sweet and it is something i can relate to and understand. this session though, this session with 8 month old nehemiah…it was a little different.

even when i am interacting with children during a photo shoot, I always make sure to observe parents as well. how they are with their children during a shoot effects greatly how the child responds to being photographed. parents don’t usually notice that i am paying attention to them…but i do. its part of my stealthiness. with this shoot, as mom and dad were doing what mamas and papas do during shoots, “dote”, “adore” and “make them smile”, there was something else happening. both mom and dad had this look of absolute worship for their boy. the love and pride and just ache for their son was so evident. forget the fact that Nehemiah was probably one of the easiest little babies I have ever worked with, happy as a clam and loving life, didn’t need much help to get this kid to do his magic for this shoot. the most beautiful part was seeing how much his parents loved him. you could tell that every ounce of their being was all about just loving this baby. no distractions, no talking among themselves, they just watched and adored their boy.

the name nehemiah is hebrew. it means “comforter” and per my google research, he was a prophet who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. such a fitting name for such a lovely boy.




