.the storyteller.

from the moment i arrived at her home, Cay Cross started talking to me like we were old friends. an hour later, when the shoot was over, all i kept thinking was: ‘damn i wish i could stay another four just to chat with this woman’

she is the epitome of a storyteller. a magnificent life filled with accomplishments and epic stories of love and laughter and lessons learned. she is a historian of what it is to be a mother and a career woman. in her golden years Cay has taken all these beautiful moments and condensed them into only her most prized possessions, living in a darling cottage filled with her favorite things: her books.

we took photos in her backyard where her grandchildren come to play, on her patio where she sits every week with her son when he visits, in her day room where she writes her novels, and most importantly in her library, where Cay is simply, the most perfect version of herself. in this room is where I was privileged to capture my favorite moments with this dame.

i left this session with a hug and a promise to come back for wine and more stories.



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