.victoria shae.

my sister law Shae comes to visit us about once a year from California. Each time she comes two things happen:

1. she comes along with me on photo shoots as my assistant and rocks it.

2. we do a photo shoot of her as my model and she rocks it.

this year we were lucky enough to have her come for an extra visit. we didn’t get to have too much time together and we were technically trying to wrangle three little ones but we managed to squeeze in a couple of shots.

my shoots with shae are some of my favorites. she is the most cooperative model and basically takes any direction i give her.

one great thing that comes from these shoots is now we have a photo shoot anthem from the past couple of years. Every year she changes just a teensy bit and i love capturing it on camera.

so i present to you…a quick summertime version of victoria shae.



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