
hello hello.

it has been quite some time since my last post. infants, toddlers and preschoolers can massively effect a persons ability to blog on their photography site.

ive decided to give my photography a bit of an electric shock to get the blood pumping again. does that sounds a little too gross? you know what I mean…i feel like i have been dormant for a while. baby #3 was a game changer. i thought i had it all under control (which in my defense i mostly do). i was doing photo shoots when i was 9 months pregnant and i figured i would be able to continue to find time for my passion and do my shoots…silly, silly me.

SO in an effort to jump start my hibernation I am going to start a 30 DAY PHOTOGRAPHY CHALLENGE as of tomorrow July 9th, 2015. my goal is to post each day. i type this as i have a 2 year old climbing on my head and a baby crying next to me…so bare with me if i dont actually GET a new post up each day. It is my goal to atleast complete the challenge in the 30 days without skipping any days due to crazy diapering scenarios or total toddler meltdowns.

also, i am working on a big project. one that i hope to share in a few months. it is very exciting and it will change the direction DOLLHOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY is going. EEEEEK.

i plan on doing big things with this little gem of mine.

wish me luck.




